Cave City Tourist and Convention Commission was formed in 1978, the first tourism commission formed for a 4th Class City. The Tourism Commission is the managing entity of the Cave City Confernce Center located at 502 Mammoth Cave St., Cave City, KY.
The Commission is funded by a 4% Transient Room Tax and 3% Restaurant Tax as allowed by Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) 91A.350-400.
The Board of Directors is appointed by the Mayor of Cave City for a 3 year term, with staggered dates of appointment. Per KRS, the board consists of 3 Lodging, 1 Restaurant, 1 Chamber of Commerce, and 2 Mayor appointees
The Tourism Commission meetings and operations are governed and regulated by:
Kentucky Open Records and Meeting Law
As defined by KRS 65A.10-90, the Cave City Tourist & Convention Commission is subject to reporting criteria for Special Purpose Government Entities. Budget, Amended Budgets and Audit documents are available for public access at:
Special Purpose Government Entities
Kentucky Procurement Code
Kentucky Revised Statutes – KRS Chapter 45A
2024 Board of Directors
Board meetings are held the second Monday of each month, 1:00pm, at the Cave City Conference Center, 502 Mammoth Cave St., Cave City, KY 42127.
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